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Writer's pictureArnold Shkaidy: BA, BEd(Psych), MEd(Psych)Cum Laude, MBA.

Enhancing Leadership Communication: From Critical to Coaching

Effective leadership communication is pivotal for fostering a positive and productive workplace environment. In this article, we contrast two distinct leadership styles: the "Critical Leader" and the "Coaching Leader."

The Critical Leader often relies on negative, judgmental language that can demoralise employees and hinder their growth. On the other hand, the Coaching Leader emphasises supportive, open-ended questions that encourage self-reflection and development.

This transition aligns closely with principles of Leadership Coaching, where the focus is on Transformative Leadership and Team Coaching to drive organisational growth and employee development.

Image on the left - A leader that seems not invite collaboration. Image on the right - A coaching leader engaging in a relaxed and and collaborative discussion with team members.
The image on the left - a professional woman in a business suit stands confidently, addressing an attentive audience. She gestures with her hands to emphasise key points, but the audience does not seem at ease. The image on the right - a close-up shot of a diverse team sitting around a conference table, actively engaged in discussion. The team members are smiling and taking notes, demonstrating collaborative and open communication.

Critical Leader

Coaching Leader

"That's not how we do things here."

"What steps do you think we can take to improve this process?"

"You should know better than that."

"How can we ensure you have all the information needed to meet expectations?"

"Why didn't you follow the procedure?"

"What challenges did you face in following the procedure?" 

"This isn't acceptable."

"What resources or support do you need to meet our standards?"

"I expect more from you."

"How do you feel you can improve your performance?"

"You’re always making mistakes."

"What strategies can we implement to help reduce errors?"

"This is completely wrong."

"What do you think went wrong and how can we address it?"

"What were you thinking?"

"What was your reasoning behind this decision?"

"Do it my way or not at all."

"How do you think we can achieve the best outcome for this task?"

"You need to put in more effort."

"What motivates you to put in your best effort?"

"I don’t have time for your excuses."

"What solutions can you propose to address this issue?"

"How many times do I have to tell you?"

"What part of the instructions do you find unclear?"

"You should have done this already."

"What obstacles are preventing you from meeting the deadline?"

"Don’t you ever learn?"

"What lessons can we learn from this experience?"

"You’re not meeting our standards."

"What steps can you take to meet our standards?"

"This is subpar work."

"How can we elevate the quality of this work?"

"Stop wasting time."

"What time management techniques have you found effective?"

"You should have seen this coming."

"How can we better prepare for potential challenges?"

"Why do you always mess things up?"

"What recurring issues do you see and how can we tackle them?"

"I expected better judgment from you."

"What factors influenced your decision in this situation?"

These visuals compare the Critical Leader with the Coaching Leader, highlighting the significance of Coaching Leaders.
Image on the left - A serious-looking leader standing with a clipboard, walking away after addressing three team members who look tense. Image on the right - A leader smiling and interacting with team members, fostering a relaxed and friendly environment.

Transitioning from a critical to a coaching leadership style involves making small but impactful changes in how feedback and guidance are provided. Coaching Leaders prioritise asking open-ended questions that promote employee self-reflection, problem-solving and personal growth. This approach not only builds trust and respect but also empowers team members to take ownership of their development and performance.


In the context of Organisational Development Coaching, adopting a coaching leadership style can significantly enhance team cohesion and productivity.

Enhancing leadership communication by transitioning from a critical approach to coaching and leaders integrate coaching techniques that foster a highly engaged, motivated and high-performing team. Reflect on the examples provided to implement these principles in your everyday interactions.

Embrace the journey towards becoming a Coaching Leader, and watch as your team reaches new heights of success and satisfaction.

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