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Writer's pictureArnold Shkaidy: BA, BEd(Psych), MEd(Psych)Cum Laude, MBA.

Better Listening: The Secret to Success Part 1

Listening actively


Imagine you're in a team meeting at work, discussing a challenging project. Your colleague, Sarah, is sharing her ideas. As an active listener, you engage with her presentation, maintaining eye contact, nodding to show you're following along and occasionally asking clarifying questions. Sarah feels heard and valued and as a result, she becomes more motivated and confident in her ideas. This collaboration ultimately leads to the success of the project.

In a world where everyone seems to be striving for success, we often overlook one of the most potent tools at our disposal: the art of listening. While we typically associate success with qualities like ambition, determination and innovation, the simple act of listening can be a game-changer. This article will uncover the often underestimated power of listening and explore how it can be the key to achieving your goals and dreams.

Understanding the Basics of Listening

The Difference Between Hearing and Listening

Consider a scenario where a friend is sharing their struggles. Hearing would involve merely acknowledging the words they are saying, while listening would entail not only hearing the words but also empathizing with their emotions and offering support and understanding.

Many of us use the terms "hearing" and "listening" interchangeably, but they are distinct processes. Hearing is the physical act of perceiving sound while listening involves actively engaging with and processing that information. Understanding this difference is the first step towards becoming a better listener.

Active vs. Passive Listening

During a lecture, passive listeners may sit quietly, taking notes, but not engaging with the material or the professor. In contrast, active listeners participate in discussions, ask questions for clarification and seek to truly understand the subject matter, which leads to better comprehension and retention.

Passive listening involves merely receiving information without much thought or interaction. On the other hand, active listening is a dynamic process where you hear and engage with the speaker, ask questions and show empathy. It's this active form of listening that holds the key to success.

The Importance of Non-Verbal Cues

Imagine a friend is excitedly describing their recent vacation. While their words convey enthusiasm, their wide smile, animated gestures and lively tone of voice enhance the message. By paying attention to these non-verbal cues, you can understand the depth of their excitement and share in their joy.

Listening isn't just about words; it's also about paying attention to non-verbal cues like body language, facial expressions and tone of voice. These cues can reveal more about a speaker's thoughts and emotions than their words alone.

The Art of Empathetic Listening

Developing Empathy Through Listening

A family member confides in you about a recent loss. Empathetic listening involves not only acknowledging his grief but also expressing your support and offering a comforting presence. Your ability to understand and share their emotional burden strengthens your bond and helps them navigate their grief.

Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of another person. Listening empathetically means not only hearing the words someone says but also trying to comprehend their emotions and perspectives. It's a skill that can deepen your relationships and enhance your success.

How Empathy Can Improve Relationships

In a professional context, your team members appreciate your empathetic listening skills. During a challenging project, you actively listen to their concerns, address their needs and offer guidance. This fosters trust and a sense of belonging within the team, ultimately leading to successful delivery of tasks.

Whether in personal or professional settings, empathetic listening builds trust and rapport with others. When people feel heard and understood, they are more likely to collaborate, support your endeavours and contribute to your success.

Overcoming Personal Biases Through Empathetic Listening

Imagine you have a colleague from a different cultural background. Your initial biases or misunderstandings may arise due to cultural differences. However, through empathetic listening, you actively seek to understand their perspective, learn about their cultural values and bridge the gap. This not only enhances your working relationship but also contributes to a more inclusive and successful workplace.

We all have biases that can colour our perceptions and judgments. Empathetic listening allows us to temporarily set aside these biases and truly hear others' experiences and viewpoints. This open-mindedness can lead to new opportunities and insights.

The Connection Between Listening and Effective Communication

Listening as a Foundation for Effective Communication

In a business negotiation, active listening allows you to grasp the concerns and priorities of the other party. You can then tailor your proposals and responses to address their specific needs, leading to a more productive and successful negotiation.

Effective communication is a two-way street and listening forms a crucial part of it. By actively listening, you can ensure that your messages are understood and that you receive valuable feedback.

Active Listening Techniques for Better Communication

During a client meeting, you actively employ paraphrasing to confirm your understanding of their requirements. By restating their needs in your own words and seeking their confirmation, you demonstrate your commitment to delivering precisely what they expect.

This not only ensures client satisfaction but also contributes to your professional success.

Active listening techniques, such as paraphrasing, clarifying and summarizing, can help ensure that you and your conversation partner are on the same page. These techniques enhance the quality of your interactions.

Avoiding Misunderstandings Through Attentive Listening

In a team project, your colleague presents an idea that initially seems at odds with the project's objectives. Instead of immediately disagreeing, you actively listen, ask clarifying questions and explore their perspective. This leads to a realization that their idea can be adapted to align with the project's goals, averting a potential conflict and contributing to project success.

Misunderstandings can lead to conflicts and setbacks. You can prevent misunderstandings from derailing your progress by listening attentively and seeking clarification when needed.

Listening plays a pivotal role in various aspects of life, from personal relationships to professional endeavours. By embracing the art of active and empathetic listening, you can enhance your understanding, build stronger connections and unlock opportunities for personal and professional growth. Success often begins with a listening ear.

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